
Habanero grilled cheese

I make one of the best grilled cheeses......you can ask anyone who's had one. They are delicious!

The secret is the cheese and that cheese is GOUDA!


- Shredded smoked gouda (brown paraffin wax wrapper)
- Shredded Edam gouda (red paraffin wax wrapper)
- Habanero olive oil
- Bread

For the local Utah followers, I get all my yumminess from Harmon's. Sometimes the cheese monger will shred the smoked gouda, however because both are such a soft cheese it easily clogs their machine. Have no fear, you can shred it at home.

For the bread, get the country french or the french baguette artisan bread and select the cut it size 21'. The bread in the images is the french baguette.

Ok, lets start cooking.

After shredding your cheese - Oil your bread on both sides (this replaces the butter) - Place oil side of the bread face down on pan - Add the cheese, one layer at a time - Put on top piece on bread and cook on a low medium heat - I flip them a total of 4 times.

*Note- Because the bread is thick, cook the sandwich on low heat. This is the reason for turning the bread more then twice. I promise it's so worth it!

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