
After vacation illness

If you recall we were in San Diego from the 4th to the 10th. The Wee P was starting to show signs of a cold early Friday morning, but didn't really think too much about it.

When we got home we had rested at home for about half a day and then on Saturday packed and went on our camping trip with Tress. Well when we came home Sunday and finally really just got to sit and relax I think that's when the cold finally caught up with us.

I'm not sure if it was a cold/flu/plague or the black lung, but it was horrible. We slept most days and the time that we weren't sleeping we got to catch up on Mad Men. (Side note- I like the series, but can't say there's one single character on the show I like.)

With matching fevers of 103, hot flashes and the chills, along with other flu like symptoms.....it was not a fun week at home.

We are finally starting to feel better and after 2 weeks off we returned to work. YAY?

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